INHALT: Lucky you, an old friend needs your help. One you haven't seen in years, no less. That would be one Kelsey Hart, long time friend and one time lover. She vanished some years ago, leaving to do research on emerging viruses in some God forsaken corner of the planet. Or so the story went... A knock on the door. A package arrives. And you're holding a top-secret Air Force communications device, once owned by Kelsey and now bestowed upon you. Inside the device are seven classified documents that could literally blow open the most diabolical conspiracy in history. Now it's up to you to get the communicator, and the documents therein, safely to Kelsey's location. And that's not the hitch... All seven of the documents in the communicator are passcode protected, and only by breaking into the infamous Area 51 will you be able to learn the codes. Only by breaking into Area 51 will you be able to save Kelsey and the world.
496 MB (315 MB gepackt) - Imagedatei - komplett englisch - benötigt Win95/98
PASSWORT: adventure.crack.to
1 Kommentar:
leider sind beide links für das Game down :(
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