INHALT: Wukung - The Monkey King is an adventure game in the style of comic book Mangas. The mystical story revolves around finding the "Book of Wisdom" and is based on Chinese mythology, which was wrapped in Manga-graphics for this game. An opening movie of half an hour, sometimes animated, tells the story of the Chinese monk Sam Chang. He gets an order from his emperor to find the Book of Wisdom, which should be found somewhere in the west. But Chang needs help: before the adventure can start, he must free Wukung himself. Though the Monkey God isn't eager to go on the voyage, he could be persuaded by a magic crown. After that, Sam meets two more companions the plump pig-devil Edgar and a sea monster. Although missions are also necessary to gather these companions, the squad finally comes together.
BEWERTUNG: - (nicht möglich da nicht getestet)
451 MB (207 MB gepackt) - Imagedatei - komplett englisch - ab Win3.1
PASSWORT: adventure.crack.to
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