The Guild of Thieves erschien 1987 und erzählt wiederum eine Fantasy-Story und, soviel vorweg die beste aller Veröffentlichungen. Wir wollen als Amateur-Dieb einen festen Platz in der Diebesgide erobern. Der Weg ist hart, lustig und mit einer Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Aufgaben gepflastert. Zu den SCREENSHOTS
INHALT: WHY BUY THIS GAME WHEN YOU CAN STEAL IT? Except you can't. Not yet. An amateur like you? Come off it! Now, if you were a fully paid-up member of the notorious Guild of Thieves, things would be different...
Mind you, it's not easy. You might find yourself ditched on a remote jetty by the Guildmaster. You might find that the Guild expects you to ransack a well guarded mansion. To go grave-robbering. Potholing. Or maybe - if they're really doubtful of your abilities - everything at once!
Guild of Thieves, from Magnetic Scrolls, the people who wrote The Pawn, winners of numerous major awards. Graphic illustrations to blow your socks off. Puzzles to blow your brains out. Frankly, we doubt that you're up to it...
BEWERTUNG: Die Magnetic-Scroll-Games bewerten wir auf Erscheinungszeit und nach Kriterien die für Interactive-Fiction-Games entscheidend sind.
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PASSWORT: adventure.crack.to
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