INHALT: Tex Murphy, the hard boiled gumshoe of Mean Streets, returns to the screen in Martian Memorandum. Marshall Alexander, the president of Terraform Corp. asks Tex to find his missing daughter. Tex will face murder, deception, romance and prophecy as he investigates the disappearance and mystery of the Martian Memorandum. What he discovers will take him from his home in San Francisco to the Martian colonies in the year 2039. And just as Mars hides secrets just below its surface, so too does Marshall Alexander
Experience Interactive Cinema!
Martian Memorandum is more than a game. It's an experience! Let me tell you why.
Consider a good movie. How does a movie make you cry? It isn't real. It's only moving images projected onto a screen. So how can it evoke such strong feelings? The answer is simple! A Movie combines elements of sight and sound to make your brain think it's real and to stimulate emotions from previous experiences. Martian Memorandum does the same thing. By using full motion video and digitized sound, we're able to expand the emotional experience.
As the player, you get deeper into the plot, you become an actual participant, and experience much more than mere animated objects on a still background.
No other entertainment product features the full power of motion video and synchronized, digitized speech. As you play Martian Memorandum, the personality and mood of the characters is immediately evident. This allows a player to experience a level of realism that has never been achieved before.
8 MB - Dateiordner - komplett englisch - benötigt DosBox
PASSWORT: adventure.crack.to
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