INHALT: It seems that the relationship between Tex Murphy, the private investigator in post-apocalyptic San Francisco, and his sweetheart Chelsee finally entered a happy phase. Tex is going on a date with Chelsee, they talk about their feelings and their future, and Chelsee asks Tex to tell her the story of his first case as a PI. This is where you begin to play the game - as young Tex, still an idealist, full of energy and with none of the ironic bitterness of his later years.
A beautiful girl enters his office. Her name is Sylvia Linsky, and she asks him to investigate a case. Her father, Carl Linsky, has apparently committed suicide. But although there seems to be nothing suspicious in the circumstances of his death, Sylvia tells Tex she is convinced it was a murder. Tex' first investigation, that will influence his entire life, is about to begin...
4,36 GB (3,53 GB gepackt) - Imagedatei - komplett englisch - benötigt Win95/98 (Installationsanweisungen beachten!)
PASSWORT: adventure.crack.to
2 Kommentare:
Noch ein Tip den ich in der Anleitung dummerdings vergessen habe:
Die SetUp.exe auf der DVD sollte im Win95-Kompatibilitätsmodus ausgeführt werden da es sonst evtl. nicht installiert werden kann.
Hier der Link zur deutschen Version (Untertitel und Menüs):
Passwort: adventure-heaven
Beinhaltet alle zum Spielen benötigten Patche.
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