Nach langer Wartezeit kommt nun endlich die Adventure-Variante von Hänsel und Gretel zu uns und Euch. Und was soll man sagen, das Game ist mindestens genauso spannend wie das Märchen und dazu noch sehr liebevoll gestaltet. Grafisch hat man sich sehr viel Mühe gegeben die Atmosphäre dieser düsteren und ebenso heiteren Geschichte perfekt einzufangen. Die Rätsel sind insgesamt leicht gehalten so das man HuGatEC auch perfekt mit seinen Kleinen spielen kann. Insgesamt betrachtet kann ich sagen das es einfach Spass macht dieses Märchen selbst zu erleben. Da es sich um ein recht seltenes Spiel handelt gibt es auch nur wenig Material im Netz. Hier gibt es ein ausführliches Review sowie ein paar SCREENSHOTS
INHALT: Harte Zeiten brechen für die Geschwister Hänsel und Gretel an. Es gibt nicht genug zu essen für die Familie und so werden die Kinder im Wald ausgesetzt. Hilf den beiden die zahlreichen Abenteuer im verwunschen Wald zu überstehen und sorge für ein Happy End. Times were hard, and there just wasn't enough food to go around. So the wicked stepmother hit upon an evil plan. She convinced her gullible husband to take the two children deep into the forest and to abandon them there. "Someone will find them and feed them there", she lied. Secretly, she really just wanted to be rid of the children so that she could have their share of food for herself!
On the way, Hansel dropped crumbs from his last morsel of bread to leave a trail so that they would be able to find their way back home. But the birds ate it, and the children didn't know which way to go! They were all alone, and scared because there were bears and wolves in the forest. Hungry and desperate to find a way out, the children wandered ever deeper into the forest... until at last they came upon a wicked witch's home.
To the starving children, it was a wondrous sight... a castle made entirely of cakes and candy and a million other goodies. Little did they know that it was all only an illusion designed to lure her victims inside. For once the children were there, the witch took them prisoner... planning to first fatten them up, and then to put them in her oven!
But of course Hansel and Gretel eventually do escape and live happily ever after... as children always do in all good fairytales. And the rest of the story is about how they manage to do that. In the game, it can get a mite complicated...
803 MB (398 MB gepackt) - Imagedatei - Multilanguage (D/GB) - Win95 - ANLEITUNG BEACHTEN
PASSWORT: donald
INHALT: Harte Zeiten brechen für die Geschwister Hänsel und Gretel an. Es gibt nicht genug zu essen für die Familie und so werden die Kinder im Wald ausgesetzt. Hilf den beiden die zahlreichen Abenteuer im verwunschen Wald zu überstehen und sorge für ein Happy End. Times were hard, and there just wasn't enough food to go around. So the wicked stepmother hit upon an evil plan. She convinced her gullible husband to take the two children deep into the forest and to abandon them there. "Someone will find them and feed them there", she lied. Secretly, she really just wanted to be rid of the children so that she could have their share of food for herself!
On the way, Hansel dropped crumbs from his last morsel of bread to leave a trail so that they would be able to find their way back home. But the birds ate it, and the children didn't know which way to go! They were all alone, and scared because there were bears and wolves in the forest. Hungry and desperate to find a way out, the children wandered ever deeper into the forest... until at last they came upon a wicked witch's home.
To the starving children, it was a wondrous sight... a castle made entirely of cakes and candy and a million other goodies. Little did they know that it was all only an illusion designed to lure her victims inside. For once the children were there, the witch took them prisoner... planning to first fatten them up, and then to put them in her oven!
But of course Hansel and Gretel eventually do escape and live happily ever after... as children always do in all good fairytales. And the rest of the story is about how they manage to do that. In the game, it can get a mite complicated...
803 MB (398 MB gepackt) - Imagedatei - Multilanguage (D/GB) - Win95 - ANLEITUNG BEACHTEN
PASSWORT: donald
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