With the sudden death of Dr. Everett Cussler, Dr. Elizabeth Duran has become the director of her research institute... and some of her colleagues aren't happy about that. Everyone has gathered in Duran's isolated mountain cabin for the reading of the will, within eye- and earshot of your video camera and microphone. But tonight, simply watching will not be enough, because someone is going to make an attempt on Elizabeth's life. And unless you take action, they will succeed. Voyeur II is an interactive movie with a few adventure-style puzzles. You must record concrete evidence of the killer's intentions on videotape, then find a way to stop the murder before it's too late. Clearly, the production quality of Voyeur II has risen significantly compared to its predecessor.
BEWERTUNG: - (nicht möglich da nicht getestet)
1,15 GB (750 MB gepackt) - Imagedateien - komplett englisch - benötigt DosBox oder Win95
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