- M -
Maniac MansionMartian Memorandum (Tex Murphy 2)
Mean Streets (Tex Murphy)
Michael Ninn's - Latex - The Game (Latex - The Game)
Micky auf Ganovenjagd
Midnight Nowhere
Mission Critical
Monkey Island 1 (The Secret of Monkey Island)
Monkey Island 1 (Enhanced-CD-Version)
Monkey Island 2 (LeChuck's Revenge)
Monkey Island 3 (The Curse of Monkey Island)
Monkey Island 4 (Escape from Monkey Island)
Monkey Island 1-4
Monty Python's - Die Ritter der Kokosnuss
Moorhuhn 1: Der Schatz des Pharao
Moorhuhn 2: Der Fluch des Goldes
Mord im Paradies - Sinking Island
Muppet Treasure Island
Murder On The Mississippi
Murder Mystery 4: Who killed Taylor French?
Mutation of J. B.
Myst 2 - Riven
Myst 3 - Exile
Myst 4 - Revelation
Myst 5 - End of Ages
- N -
NacahNancy Drew -01- Secrets can kill
Nancy Drew -02- Stay Tuned For Danger
Nancy Drew -03- Message in a haunted Mansion
Nancy Drew -04- Treasure in the Royal Tower
Nancy Drew -09- Danger on Deception Island
Necronomicon - Das Mysterium der Dämmerung
NiBiRu - Der Bote der Götter
Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy
Nine: The Last Resort
Nippon Safes Inc.
Noir - A Shadowy Thriller
- O -
Operation StealthOrion Burger
Overclocked - Eine Geschichte über Gewalt
- P -
Pajama Sam 3Paris 1313 - The mystery of Notre-Dame cathedral
Penumbra - Schwarze Pest
Peppers Adventures in Time
Personal Nightmare
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens
Philip Marlowe: Private Eye
Pilgrim (GB)
Pilgrim (D)
Pink Panther und die Zauberformel
Pink Panthers gefährliche Mission
Plan 9 from Outer Space
Point of View
Police Quest 1 + 2
Police Quest 3 - The Kindred
Police Quest 4 - Open Season
Pompei - Die Legende des Vesuvs
Post Mortem
Prisoner of Ice (Call of Cthulhu)
Private Eye Mysteries
Puppen, Perlen und Pistolen
Pyjama Sam 2 - Donner und Blitz machen mir nix
- Q -
Quest for Glory 1-4Quest for Glory 5 - Drachenfeuer
- R -
Radau im BauRaumschiff Titanic
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles Adventure Game
Reah - Face the Unknown
Real Myst 3D
Realms of the Haunting
Rendezvous im Weltraum
Rent A Hero
Return Of The Phantom
Return to Ringworld
Return to Zork
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
Ringworld - Revenge of the Patriarch
Rise of the Dragon
Road to El Dorado
Road to India
Robin Hood - Conquests Of The Longbow
Runaway - A Road Adventure
Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle
- S -
SafecrackerSam & Max - Hit the Road
Sam & Max - Season 1
Santa's Secret Valley
Schizm - Mysterious Journey
Schizm II - Trügerische Wahrheit
Search for the Golden Dolphin
Sentinel - Verborgene Existenzen
Shadow of Memories
Shadow of the Comet (GB)
Shadow of the Comet (Multi)
Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der Mumie
Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der tätowierten Rose
Sherlock Holmes jagt Arsene Lupin
Shine - Die Angst hat einen Namen
Shivers (D)
Shivers (GB)
Shivers 2 - Harvest of Souls (D)
Shivers 2 - Harvest of Souls (GB)
Sierra Online AGI Adventure-Pack
Sign of the Sun
Simon the Sorcerer
Simon the Sorcerer (GB - Talkie)
Simon the Sorcerer 2
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (GB - Talkie)
Simon the Sorcerer 3D
Simon the Sorcerer 4 - Chaos ist das halbe Leben
Sinking Island - Mord im Paradies
Soul Crystal
Space Quest 1 + 2
Space Quest 3 - Die Piraten von Pestulon
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco und die Zeitspringer
Space Quest 5 - The next Mutation
Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco
Spy Fox 1: Das Milchkartell
Spy Fox 2: Operation Robohund
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary
Star Trek - A Final Unity
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek - Jugdment Rites
Still Life
Stupid Invaders
Superspy - Das Omega-Projekt
Syberia 2
- T -
Tex Murphy: Mean Streets
Tex Murphy 2: Martian Memorandum
Tex Murphy 3: Under a killing Moon
Tex Murphy 4: Die Pandora Akte
Tex Murphy 5: Overseer
The 7th Guest
The 11th Hour
The Adventures Of Willy Beamish
The Arrangement
The Case of the Cautious Condor
The Cassandra Galleries
The Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 3)
The Daedalus Encounter
The Dame was loaded
The Dark Eye
The Dig
The Final Cut
The Guild of Thieves
The Journeyman Project
The Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time
The Labyrinth of Time
The Last Express
The Legend of the Prophet and the Assassin (GB)
The longest Journey
The Longest Journey 2 - Dreamfall
The Lost Files Of Sherlock Holmes - The Case Of The Serrated Scalpel
The Lost Treasures of Infocom 1
The Lost Treasures of Infocom 2
The Magic Death - Virtual Murder 2
The Moment of Silence
The Neverhood
The New Adventures of the Time Machine
The Orion Conspiracy
The Orion Conspiracy-GB
The Pawn
The Quivering
The Secret of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 1)
The Secret of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 1) (Enhanced-CD-Version)
The Time Trap (Die interaktiven Abenteuer von Blake & Mortimer)
The Ward
The Westerner
The X-Files Game (Das Akte X-Spiel)
Time and Magik Trilogy
Time Trouble - Die Jagd nach der Formel
Time Gate: Knight's Chase
Titanic - Adventure out of Time
Titanic: Dare to discover
Titanic: Das unglaubliche Geheimnis
TKKG-Games (1-15)
Tom Long - The Time Adventure
Tony Tough and the Night of roasted Moths (DE)
Tony Tough and the night of roasted Moths (ENG)
Torins Passage
Touché - The Adventures of the fifth Musketeer
Traitors Gate
Treasure Island
- U -
Under a Killing Moon (Tex Murphy 3)Undercover: Operation Wintersonne
Urban Runner
Uru - Ages beyond Myst
Uru: The Path of the Shell - Add On
- V -
Vandell - Knight of the Tortured SoulsVäterchen Frost und die kleine Nastya
Ve Stínu Havrana (In the Shadow of the Raven)
Veil of Darkness
Verschollen auf Lost Island
Virtual Murder 2: The Magic Death
VL - Das Spiel a.k.a Victor Loomes
Voodoo Kid
Voyeur 2
- W -
Waxworks (deutsch) DosBox-VersionWaxworks (deutsch) Scumm-Version
Waxworks (englisch)
Ween - The Prophecy
Wild West
Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth
Wu Kung the Monkey King
- X -
Xiama- Y -
Y2K- Z -
Zak McKracken and the Alien MindbendersZehn Adventures - Die Adventure Spielesammlung
Zork Der Grossinquisitor
Zork Nemesis
Zwerg Nase