INHALT: Die Trilogie beinhaltet die drei Spiele:
- Lords of Time:
Doctor Who references are obvious in this adventure - you play a time travelling hero, who faces a group of Time Lords as they attempt to rewrite human history. To do this, you must collect nine objects which have an hourglass symbol on, from nine different time zones. You will encounter tigers and an Ice Queen in the Ice Age, a guard and a frog in the middle ages, a Cyberman in the future, and more mundane tasks in the present day. To enter different time zones, go into the grandfather clock in your home (the starting location) and activate one of the nine cogs.
- Red Moon:
The Red Moon Crystal is the only source of Magik in the land, and stabilizes the forces of the world. This crystal has been stolen and as a result, the land has fallen into chaos. A single powerful magician is sent to rescue the Crystal from the castle where it's hidden.
- The Price of Magik:
In the final instalment of the Time and Magik series of interactive fiction, the light from the Red Moon is under threat. It was captured and harnessed by the magicians of Baskalos, but its keeper Myglar has turned against them and is using it for himself. He must be defeated before the crystal is exhausted.
Bei den Titeln handelt es sich um Klassiker des Textadventures. Die Games wurden für diese Box allerdings komplett überarbeitet. So wurde grafisch und inhaltlich einiges verbessert.
ca. 1,8 MB - Dateiordner - komplett englisch - benötigt DosBox (liegt bei)
PASSWORT: adventure.crack.to
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