INHALT: Sie erwachen auf einer Toilette und erinnern sich an nichts. Sie werden wahrscheinlich sterben, wenn Sie kein Gegenmittel für die verabreichte Droge bekommen. Neben Ihnen liegt eine Leiche, den Revolver finden Sie in Ihrer Tasche ...
Good morning. Welcome to a nightmare comes true.
This is how Deja Vu: a nightmare comes true starts, from here on you will have to face all manner of dangers and solve a murder while trying to regain your memory before your memory completely fades. This is the first game by Icom simulations which introduces the multiwindow system. All text, graphics and items are shown in different windows. When you pick up a coat you can drag it with your mouse to your inventory, you can then OPEN the coat and a new window will open up showing the contents of the coat. Most standard actions can easily be done by simply double-clicking the item (usually open or examine). There is no music at all in this game and only a few soundeffects so there's not much to say about that.
8 MB - Dateiordner - komplett englisch - enthält Dos- und Windows-Version
PASSWORT: adventure.crack.to
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